Results for 'Numan Negmatovich Negmatov'

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  1. Abuali ibn Sino i ego ėpokha: k 1000-letii︠u︡ so dni︠a︡ rozhdenii︠a︡.Numan Negmatovich Negmatov (ed.) - 1980 - Dushanbe: Izd-vo "Donish".
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    Zénon de Caunos et l'épave de Serçe Limani.Numan Tuma & Jean-Yves Empereur - 1988 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 112 (1):341-357.
    Ή V. Grâce πρότεινε νά ταυτιστεί ό Ζήνων πού εμφανίζεται στά σφραγίσματα αμφορέων τοΰ ναυαγίου τοΰ Serçe Limam (γύρω στό 280-275 π.Χ.), μέ τόν επίτροπο της δωρεάς τοΰ 'Απολλώνιου, τόν Ζήνωνα τών 'Αρχείων της Φιλαδέλφειας. Αυτή ή πρόταση παρουσιάζει πολλές δυσκολίες : τυπολογικές, γιατί άμφορεΤς καί σφραγίσματα μοιάζουν πολύ μέ τήν κνιδιακή ομάδα τοΰ Σωφάνη (ή προέλευση Ιχει επιβεβαιωθεί άπό τήν ανακάλυψη τοΰ εργαστηρίου Muhaltepe στή χερσόνησο Datça), γεωλογικές, καί τέλος χρονολογικές γιατί τήν εποχή του ναυαγίου, δ Ζήνων ό Καύνιος (...)
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    Hiérotélès, potier rhodien de la Pérée.Numan Tuma & Jean-Yves Empereur - 1989 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 113 (1):277-299.
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    Suudi̇ Arabi̇Stan'in Müslüman Kardeşler Poli̇Ti̇Kasi: 1932-2016.İsmail Numan Telci̇ & Mehmet Raki̇poğlu - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (1):137-168.
    Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Suudi Arabistan’ın İhvan politikasını tarihsel süreç içerisinde incelemektir. Çalışmada Riyad yönetiminin geçmişten günümüze İhvan politikası bölgesel güç mücadelesi ve rejim güvenliği olmak üzere iki temel değişken üzerinden analiz edilmiştir. Bu iki dinamiğe bağlı olarak Suudi yönetimi İhvan’ı bölgesel güç mücadelesi bağlamında dış tehditleri dengelemek için bir denge unsuru olarak görürken aynı zamanda rejim güvenliği değişkeni bağlamında ulusal güvenlik tehdidi olarak algılamıştır.
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    Cedeli̇N Fikih İLmi̇Nde Kullanimi: Kudûrî Ve Ebu’T-Tayyi̇B Et-Taberî Arasindaki̇ Bi̇R Mün'zara Bağlaminda.Ahmet Numan Ünver - 2019 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 21 (39):67-91.
    Erken dönemlerden itibaren fıkhî meseleler üzerindeki tartışmalar, bir yönteme bağlı kalınarak icra edilmiştir. Tartışmalarda belirli soru ve cevap türlerine başvurulmuş, soruların tertibine özen gösterilmiştir. Bu sayede taraflar kendi görüşlerinin doğruluğunu, karşıt görüşün yanlışlığını çelişkiye düşmeden ortaya koymaya çalışmıştır. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak cedelden ve cedelin fıkha tatbikinden bahsedilmiş, sonrasında münâzaracı kimlikleriyle meşhur olan Hanefî fakihi Kudûrî ile Şâfiî fakihi Ebu’t-Tayyib et-Taberî arasında geçtiği rivayet edilen talâka dair bir münâzara inceleme konusu edilmiştir. Bu münâzarada, muhâlea ile boşanılan kadına, kadının iddeti esnasında (...)
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    İllete yöneli̇k nakz i̇ti̇razi ve nakza karşi cevaplar.Ahmet Numan Ünver - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi.
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    Çocuğun malinin zekâti meselesi̇.Ahmet Numan Ünver - 2015 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (31).
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    The Role of The Practice of The Companions in Establishing The Ḥanafī Uṣūl Thought: Al-Sarakhsī as a Case Study.Ahmet Numan Ünver - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1359-1379.
    Along with the legal opinions, the juristic proofs presented to underpin these legal opinions also occupy an important place in uṣūl al-fiqh. Thus, scholars of uṣūl al-fiqh strived to propound the proofs indicating the relevant theoretical principles in an apparent and definite way. As a result, the disputed and undisputed proofs ranked among al-adilla al-shar‘iyya have been abundantly addressed in the classical uṣūl al-fiqh works. However, although it is not mentioned as a part of legal sources in the uṣul literature, (...)
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    Sharḥ al-akhbār fi faḍāʾil al-aʾimmat al-aṭhārSharh al-akhbar fi fadail al-aimmat al-athar.Ismail K. Poonawala, al-Qāḍī al-Nuʿmān, Muḥammad al-Hụsaynī al-Jalālī, al-Qadi al-Numan & Muhammad al-Husayni al-Jalali - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1):102.
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    Numanities and Their Role in the Twenty-First Century.Ricardo Nogueira De Castro Monteiro - 2017 - American Journal of Semiotics 33 (1/2):49-68.
    Despite the unquestionable importance of technological progress in twenty-first-century society, the decision by many political leaders worldwide to treat natural sciences as an almost exclusive priority betrays a terrible misconception of the complexity of the contemporary world. As the Renaissance cannot be reduced to Copernicus’s or Galileo’s brilliant contributions, or Enlightenment to the works of such giants as Newton and Cavendish, contemporary society will hardly be remembered as just a series of amazing software and gadget updates. There are three categories (...)
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    The Pillars of Islam: Daaim al-Islam of al-Qadi al-Numan Numan.Paul E. Walker, Asaf A. A. Fyzee & Ismail Kurban Husein Poonawala - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (2):467.
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    Kitāb Ikhtilāf Uṣūli'l-Madhāhib of Qāḍī Nuʿmān b. MuḥammadKitab Ikhtilaf Usuli'l-Madhahib of Qadi Numan b. Muhammad.James A. Bellamy & S. T. Lokhandwalla - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):159.
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    The Early Period Ismailî Jurist Kadı Nu'm'n Abu Hanîfa's Ikhtil'f Usûl al-Madh'hib and Its Place in the History of Fiqh.Adnan KOŞUM - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (1):3-16.
    The early period Ismaili jurist Al-Qādî al-Nu'mān appears as an important figure in the formation of Ismaili jurisprudence. There is very little information about Kadı Nu'mân's family, childhood, education and intellectual environment. His full name is Abû Hanîfah Nu'man b. Muhammad b. Mansûr al-Qādî at-Tamîmî Al Qayrawānî. He was born around 290/903 (late 3rd (9th) century) into an educated family in Qayravan in North Africa. There are different opinions about the sect he belonged to when he was growing up. On (...)
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    Commentary of Meḥmed Said on Qaside-i Khamriyya: Ṭarab-angiz.Yılmaz ÖKSÜZ - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):395-413.
    Qaside-i Khamriyya (meaning Wine Eulogy) of sufi poet Ibn-i Fārıḍ, in which he explained divine love through the metaphor of wine, attracted great attention in Islamic world and was translated into Arabic, Persian and Turkish. Scholars such as Davud-i Qayseri (d. 751 AH/1350 AD), Kemal Pashazāde (d. 940 AH/1534 AD), Abdulghani an-Nablusi (d. 1143 AH/1731 AD), Ibn Acibe (d. 1224 AH/1809 AD) explained this eulogy in Arabic, while poets such as Ali b. Shihābiddin al-Hamadāni (d. 786 AH/1385 AD), Molla Cāmi (...)
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    Critical Ethology and Post-Anthropocentric Ethics: Beyond the Separation Between Humanities and Life Sciences.Roberto Marchesini & Marco Celentano - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    The primary purpose of this book is to contribute to an overcoming of the traditional separation between humanties and life sciences which, according to the authors, is required today both by the developments of these disciplines and by the social problems they have to face. The volume discusses the theoretical, epistemological and ethical repercussions of the main acquisitions obtained in the last decades from the behavioral sciences. Both the authors are inspired by the concept of a “critical ethology”, oriented to (...)
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    Vires/Robur/Opes and Ferocia in Livy's Account of Romulus and Tullus Hostilius.Robert J. Penella - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (01):207-.
    In a recent article I observed that Livy sees a dialectic at work in Roman history over the course of the reigns of the first four kings. The first king, Romulus, is associated with physical strength and is devoted to war. His successor Numa is devoted to peace and to the advance of religion, law and the civilizing virtues. The Romulean thesis, having been answered by the Numan antithesis, reasserts itself in the reign of the third king, Tullus Hostilius. (...)
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    Multiculturalism, biosemiotics, and cross-cultural friendship. [REVIEW]Claus Emmeche - 2019 - Sign Systems Studies 47 (3-4):590-608.
    In this essay review of Alin Olteanu: "Multiculturalism as Multimodal Communication: A Semiotic Perspective" ([Series Numanities – Arts and Humanities in Progress 9; Dario Martinelli, series editor], Cham: Springer, 2019) I discuss culturalism, multiculturalism, and polyculturalism, and a problematic style of reasoning seen in some contributions to the humanities, a style here called "associative hermeneutics", with no genuine theory construction. As a contrast to this style, I illustrate some challenges of understanding multiculturalism through an example, the question of how to (...)
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    The Narrations of Imam Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) on Healing through Acts of Charity in the Book 'Pillars of Islam' by Judge Abu Hanifa Al-Maghribi (292-904). [REVIEW]Shaimaa Aboud Awn - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:735-749.
    This study, titled 'Narratives of Imam Al-Sadiq (AS) on Healing through Acts of Virtue in the Book 'Da'a'im al-Islam' by Judge Abu Hanifa al-Maghribi', encompasses a comprehensive exploration. It is structured into an introduction, two main sections, a conclusion, and findings. The first section provides an overview of Abu Hanifa al-Numan al-Maghribi, the author of 'Da'a'im al-Islam', and his other works. The second section delves into the narratives discussing healing through acts of virtue, as cited by Abu Hanifa al-Maghribi (...)
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